杭州保安公司,浙江民德保安服务有限公司 保安安保人员如何正确的应对突然爆炸事件保安安保人员如何正确的应对突然爆炸事件1、寻找掩体:你要做的一件事是快速地寻找掩体,就近寻找遮挡物保护住身体的重要部位以及器官,你跟爆炸中心间隔着越多层掩体越好,比如坚固的建筑物后面,但注意别躲在汽车后面以及不够坚固的楼房后面,以防被冲击波吹飞的汽车或者楼房碎片击中。 1, looking for shelter. The first thing you need to do is to quickly find shelter, an important part of the nearest shelter to protect the body and organs, you and the center of the explosion with intervals of more layers such as bunkers as possible, behind the strong buildings, but don't hide behind and the building is not strong in the back of the car, to anti shock wave was hit by a car or building debris blown. 2、迅速趴下:如果爆炸发生时,你离爆炸现场较近,那么你应迅速趴下,保持身体伏低,双手抱头,注意保护头部; 2, quickly fall down: if the explosion occurs, you are closer to the explosion site, then you should quickly fall down, keep your body low, hold your head in your hands, and protect your head. 3、 立刻冷静:如果是你居住在周围附近发生爆炸,那么则待在室内不要慌乱,应该及时关注灾情的进展,在确认不会出现二次爆炸的情况下再择机出门; 3, immediately calm down: if you live near the explosion, then stay indoors do not panic, we should pay close attention to the progress of the disaster in time, and confirm that there will be no two explosions, then choose to go out. 4、听从指挥:如果现场还存在着有害气体/物体污染的危险,则应该听从现场救援人员的安排指挥,向上风向安全地点进行逃生撤离; 4, listen to the command: if there is still the danger of harmful gas / object contamination, we should obey the command of the scene rescue personnel and evacuate the upper wind to the safe place. 5、快速撤离:保持镇静,尽快撤离,不要因顾及贵重物品而浪费逃生时间。在没有火灾的情况下不必惊慌,熄灭明火,赶紧撤离到户外,远离现场危险地带,避免进入有易燃易爆品的危险地点。不要好奇围观爆炸现场,可能会发生二次爆炸。如遇火灾,应用毛巾捂住口鼻,放低身体,尽快离开事发区域。 5, quickly evacuate: keep calm, evacuate as soon as possible, do not waste escape time because of valuables. In case of no fire, do not panic, extinguish the open fire, and evacuate it to the outdoors, away from the dangerous area, and avoid entering dangerous place with flammable and explosive materials. Don't be curious about the scene of the explosion, and there may be two explosions. If there is a fire, use a towel to cover your mouth and nose, lower your body, and leave the area as soon as possible. 6、关闭门窗:爆炸过后,如果现实条件不允许进行撤离,请尽量待在室内不要出去,并且关闭门窗,不管爆炸点是哪里,空气中都可能会产生有害的气体,特别是有小孩的家庭要特别注意安全; 6, close the doors and windows: after the explosion, if the condition is not allowed to evacuate, please try to stay out in the room and closed the doors and windows, do not, no matter where the explosion point is, in the air may produce harmful gases, especially for families with children to special Caution; 7、让出救援通道:千万不要好奇地去看热闹,如果没有救援能力,就让出救援的空间!不要妨碍在场救援人员实施救援,不要影响救援现场的工作。及时给消防医院救援车辆让路,传递一下正能量,做点力所能及的事情。 7, give out the rescue channel: do not be curious to see the bustle, if there is no rescue ability, give out the space for rescue! Do not interfere with rescue workers in the presence of rescue, do not affect the work of the rescue site. Give way to the rescue vehicle in the fire hospital in time, transfer the positive energy and do something that can be done. |