浙江保安公司要有自己的管理立场和鲜明的管理观点保安要有自己的管理立场和鲜明的管理观点 服从现场管理团队、坚决执行管理方针 队长作为项目点上一线的管理者,首先应严格执行现场管理团队的工作指令,在实际工作中,队长的指令就代表了现场管理的指令. To obey the on-site management team and carry out the management policy strictly, the leader should be strictly responsible for the on-site management team's work instructions. In practice, the leader's instructions represent the instructions of the field management. 如在执行过程中大打折扣或变更指令,其后果就是管理团队的思路和执行团队的思路发生偏差,给现场的统一管理带来麻烦。再者,如队长本身都无法正确执行管理方针,那么就更无法要求下面的队员按规定执行,久而久之整个队伍的执行力就会下降,也就无法给客户方提供优质的服务。 For example, during the execution process, the result is that the management team's thinking and the way of execution team's deviation will bring troubles to the unified management of the field. Moreover, if the leader himself is unable to carry out the management policy correctly, he will not be able to ask the following players to execute according to the regulations. As time goes by, the execution of the whole team will drop, and they will not be able to provide high quality services to the customers. 心往一处想,劲往一处使”的效果,队长必须具备坚定、正确的管理理念、管理立场和鲜明的管理观点,不断增强自身的政治修养、理论和管理能力,始终以“思想觉悟高、业务精、作风正”的标准来严格要求自己。 A heart to think, an effort to make "effect, captain must have firm and correct management concept, management position and distinct management point of view, continue to strengthen their political accomplishment, theory and management ability, has always been to" high ideological consciousness and work style is "standard to strict demands on themselves. 勤作汇报,注重公司大局观 很多情况下,队长需独立去处理一些问题和事务,尤其当公司的利益与客户的利益发生冲突时,这种情况下队长应及时向管理团队汇报,切忌麻目做主,极有可能某些欠考虑的做法给公司带来不可估量的损失。 Frequently report, pay attention to the company's overall view of many cases, the captain needs to deal with some problems and independent affairs, especially when the conflict of interests and the interests of the company's customers, in this case the captain shall promptly report to management team, avoid hemp eye shots, very likely some thoughtless practices bring immeasurable losses to the company. 本文由青岛保安友情奉献.更多有关的知识请点击:http://www.qdzhongtebao.com我们将用先进的技术.真诚的态度.为您提供为全面的服务.更多有关的知识我们将会陆续向大家奉献.敬请期待. This article is sponsored by Qingdao security and friendship. Please click on more related knowledge: http://www.qdzhongtebao.com, we will use the most advanced technology and the most sincere attitude to provide you with the most comprehensive service. We will dedicate more related knowledge to you. Please look forward to it. |